Warner author Larry Sullivan and artist Mimi Wiggin
Premiere release of their newest book Educators and Agitators; Selected Works of 19th Century Women Writers from a Small New Hampshire Town.
A facscinating collection of the recovered writings from fifteen 19th century women, covering a wide range of life experiences and writing styles. Some educators, some agitators, they had the courage to express themselves. Co-sponsored with the Warner Historical Society. A book and an event not to be missed!

Deirdre Currier, author of Tales from the Tub
Sunday, June 9 at 1pm
Mike Pride ~ Our WarWednesday, June 12 at 7pm
We welcome back best selling author Ben Hewitt
for the NH Premiere of Saved

Started almost 5 years ago, The Jim Mitchell Community Park, is about to become the region's venue for theater-in-the-park! Fundraising continues to complete the park. Find out how you can help at www.mainstreetwarnerinc.org
Farmers' Markets on Tuesdays from 3 pm to 6 pm.
For more information, or to inquire about being a vendor, contact Ben Dobrowski [email protected]
Building Community, Sustaining Place Lecture Series...
Ben Hewitt with Saved June 12 @ 7 pm
Ben Falk, The Resilient Farm & Homestead in June
Greg Marley - Mushroom Workshop in July
Jack Lazor, The Organic Grain Grower in August
Ben Hewitt with Saved June 12 @ 7 pm
Ben Falk, The Resilient Farm & Homestead in June
Greg Marley - Mushroom Workshop in July
Jack Lazor, The Organic Grain Grower in August