I would like to talk to you about Common Core often referred to as CCSS. The State of NH has adopted the Common Core and Kearsarge has been moving toward CCSS for the past three years.
CCSS is a set of goals for a student to achieve at the end of each grade level. The NH state standards were developed by over 200 teachers, parents, school administrators, the NH DOE and of particular note Dr. David Pook, a Derryfield School teacher and a Warner resident.
The purpose of these common goals is when a third grade child moves from Florida to New Hampshire, or from, Berlin to Warner they will have the same grade level target wherever they live.
Teachers, principals and schools will still have control over the curriculum. Although the tests called Smarter Balance Assessments are very different from the currently used NECAP tests. The tests are taken on the computer, they do not start until 2015, and a pen and paper option will be available.
The school board is currently evaluating CCSS, we are looking at the pros and cons and determining the best course forward.
For more info please check out www.kearsarge.org/curriculum or www.janicelozforschoolboard.
[submitted by Janice Loz]