Thursday, August 13, 2015

Coyote and Wolf in New England: Can a Top Predator Create a Special Place?

Get some answers from coyote/wolf expert, Christine Schadler

Join us at the Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum auditorium at 18 Highlawn Rd., Warner, for an exciting program on wolves and coyotes on Sunday, September 27, from 7 – 8 PM.

The wolf is trying to return to New England while the coyote, found in large numbers in NH, brings its wolf DNA that we thought was gone. Coyotes are becoming more like their wolf ancestors; they migrate to New England to reclaim it. How will we manage these animals in the New England landscape and should wolves be reintroduced to New England?

Bring a friend to this event! You’ll receive answers to many questions you have about coyotes and wolves. The program is sponsored by The Little Nature Museum.

Cost: $5 at the door. Members of The Little Nature Museum and Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum are admitted FREE. Proceeds will benefit The Little Nature Museum.


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